Is Technology Sinful?

Is technology inherently sinful?

Seems like it. I’ve been without my laptop for several days now. I’m getting the shakes. I might be willing to break a commandment or two to get it back.

All that to say once I get it sorted, I’ll be back to regular posting. I’ll be skipping over the History of Satan for a while, as it’s a little more involved and is taking longer than I’d like to leave between posts. We’ll move to punishment and hell next.


Do We Have a Right to Question God?

I want to take a little digression from the list, if I may.  I’d like to ask a question.

Do we have a right to question an All-Powerful Capital G-O-D God?

It’s interesting, I started this draft a couple days ago.  I was involved in some good-natured debating with Christian friends on Facebook and the thought about the struggle it is for Christians who are bothered by doubts about the bible, God, Jesus, etc., to be open about those doubts, especially when they’re involved in ministry.

This post was supposed to simply be a mental exercise, a conversation without much context other than general observation. Continue reading

The Devil Made Me Do it – or – Who is Responsible for the Evil Men Do?

Continuing on from my previous post, I want to delve into the issue of responsibility.

In that post I stated the following:

“Let’s say you are an architect and you build a beautiful theater for the purpose of housing the world’s most beautiful works of musical, dance, and theatrical arts.  It is gorgeous and perfect for its purpose – the best sight lines, the best acoustics, the best of everything.  But you design into it one simple flaw – the doors open inward instead of outward.  When a fire starts, and 2,000 people are trapped inside to burn alive, who is responsible?  Did they die because they chose to go to the theater?  Or did they die because the designer created that theater with a fatal flaw?”

Obviously a conversation of this sort tends to bleed over into other topics, such as hell, eternal punishment, free will, and the like.  We’ll get to those.  I want to keep it narrow in the interest of keeping the blog posts down to a reasonable length. Continue reading

The Birth of Dr. Evil, or, Where Did Evil Come From?

Where did evil come from?

This question is the root of some of my strongest objections to Christianity, and the source of many subtle but significant contradictions that, to my mind, demonstrate the manmade qualities of the Christian faith.

As an aside, I will state for current and future reference that when I relate specifics of Christian theology, I will use as my primary references either J.I. Packer’s “Concise Theology” (hereafter CT) or, when the short version won’t suffice, Norman Geisler’s 4 volume “Systematic Theology” (hereafter ST.)  I don’t think anyone will argue that these books don’t well represent the state of current Evangelical Christian Theology.

There are a few details we need to determine, then we’ll put them together and see if they fit. Continue reading