In the Zone

I’ve been a little bit MIA, other than poking at a few theist buddies. I’ve made some noise here and there about possibly incorporating audio or video into some of my posts. You know, claw myself into the modern age?

Well, I’ve decided to take that a big step further.

Sometime between now and whenever (shooting for January 1st) I’ll be moving all of my work – blog posts as well as audio/video work – over to the newly minted No Faith Zone.


I’m still working out the details, but the planned format is for a topical interview/discussion with both atheist and theist participants. I hope to produce 1 or 2 episodes monthly of 15-30 minutes, depending on the topic and the guest.

I’ll plan to host the audio on BlogTalkRadio. The video will probably just be a webcam of the discussion. Ideally my guest will also be on camera so we can split-screen, but that won’t always be possible. It won’t be for viewing so much as easy-access listening, at least at first.

I have a number of guests in mind, but I can’t say who, because they have no idea they’re being invited, and frankly, my little show might not be worth their time. Oh, right, a few of you hangers-about should expect a ping at some point. That won’t stop me trying. My plan is to focus on a particular topic, whether it be theological, philosophical, or societal/cultural – but who knows, if discussion gets lively and branches out, well, we’ll let that go.

I really don’t know how long production of each episode will take, and until I do, I can’t completely commit to a schedule, since I do have a day job and will have to keep this to evenings and weekends.

My occasional blog posts will also go there, but expect those to be even fewer and farther between than they already are. I think the audio/video format will allow for more content, and the disucssion format for more engaging content, as some of my posts can be very TL;DR.

As far as long-term aspirations, I’m not sure. Part of me would love to put together enough quality to justify a more open discussion/call-in format via Skype or somesuch, but that would be entail quite a few listeners and so far I have zero, so, you know, one step at a time.

I hope my regular readers will take a minute to follow the new site. I will probably just archive and link this site over, though I do plan to port My Story to the new site as part of the About section.

Wish me luck. If nothing else it should be fun playing with some new toys.

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